
stratified event queue in Verilog

  stratified event queue in Verilog  1) Active Region  :    Events which occur at the current simulation time and can be executed in any order. These include blocking assignments, continuous assignments, $display commands, evaluation of instance and primitive inputs followed by updates of primitive and instance outputs, and the evaluation of nonblocking RHS expressions. Ex : a=b; 2) Inactive Region:    Events which are processed after the processing of active events. In this queue, #0 delay assignments have been scheduled. Ex : a= #0 b; 3) Nonblocking Region:    Events evaluated during previous simulation time but are assigned at this simulation time after the processing of active and inactive events. It is in this queue where the LHS of nonblocking assignment is updated. Ex : a <=b; 4) Postpone Region:   Events that are processed after all the active, inactive, and nonblocking assigned update events have been processed. This que...


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ASIC and FPGA Flow Synopsis


Different ways to design 8X3 Priority Encoder

  module Priority_8_3 (y2,y1,y0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h); input a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h; output reg y2,y1,y0; `ifdef method1 always @* begin     case ({a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}) 8'b11111111: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11111110: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11111101: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11111100: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11111011: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11111010: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11111001: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11111000: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110111: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110110: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110101: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110100: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110011: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110010: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110001: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11110000: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11101111: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11101110: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11101101: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11101100: {y2,y1,y0} =3'b111; 8'b11101011: {y2,y1,...

Rational clock divider - Division by 4.5 example

Module : `timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: Weekendvlsi // Create Date:  // Design Name: Rational clock divider - Division by 4.5  // Module Name:  clk_div // Project Name:  // Target Devices:  // Tool Versions:  // Description:  // Dependencies:  // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: //  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module clk_div (clk,rst,clk_4_5);   input clk; input rst; output clk_4_5;   reg [8:0]  count;   reg  SATcount1,SATcount5,SATcount6 ;    /* Counter rst value : 9?b000000001 */ /* count is a  ring counter */   always @( posedge clk or posedge rst) if (rst) count <='d1; else begin count <= count << 1; count[0] <= count[8]; end always @(negedge clk or posedge rst) ...

Vedic Multiplier Design

8x8 Vedic Multiplier using Ripple carry adder and 4x4 multiplier module vedic8x8( input [7:0] a,b,  output [15:0] prod ); wire [7:0] mult0, mult1, mult2, mult3; wire [7:0] sum0; wire [11:0] sum1, sum2; wire carry0, carry2, carry3; vedic4x4 VM_i0(a[3:0],b[3:0],mult0); vedic4x4 VM_i1(a[3:0],b[7:4],mult1); vedic4x4 VM_i2(a[7:4],b[3:0],mult2); vedic4x4 VM_i3(a[7:4],b[7:4],mult3); ripple_adder_8bit RA_i0({4'b0,mult0[7:4]},mult2,1'b0,sum0,carry0); ripple_adder_12bit RA_i1({4'b0,mult1},{mult3,4'b0},1'b0,sum1,carry1); ripple_adder_12bit RA_i2({4'b0,sum0},sum1,1'b0,sum2,carry2); assign prod = {sum2,mult0[3:0]}; endmodule 4x4 Vedic Multiplier using Ripple carry adder and 2x2 multiplier module vedic4x4( input [3:0] a,b,  output [7:0] prod ); wire [3:0] mult0, mult1, mult2, mult3; wire [3:0] sum0; wire [5:0] sum1, sum2; wire carry0, carry1, carry2; vedic2x2 VM_i0(a[1:0],b[1:0],mult0); vedic2x2 VM_i1(a[1:0],b[3:2],mult1); ...